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Cover of Franklin Smoke book.
Side of a shed. Leaning against it are tools to aid in cooking barbecue: shovels, cooking oil, a lighter, pans, a scale, etc.
Meat cooking on a grill. A man checks the meat with a thermometer.
Aaron Franklin standing, glancing at a laptop with another man who is sitting down. Both look deep in thought.
Cover of the Franklin Smoke book laid upon a bed of flaming coals.

Franklin Smoke: Wood, Fire, Food

Regular price $35.00

The trick is in treating fire as an ingredient, not a medium. Aaron Franklin and Jordan Mackay detail strategies for executing meals over the full lifespan of a fire, employing low- and high-heat techniques as well as indirect cooking and smoking. Whether you're an old pro looking for new tips or have just purchased your first grill or smoker, the book shares expert techniques designed for any type of backyard grill, from inexpensive kettle-style grills, Big Green Eggs, offset cookers, and hand-built fire pits.

Featuring detailed chapters on tools, techniques, and methods of grilling and smoking a variety of ingredients, Franklin Smoke answers all of your burning questions—from "How do I smoke a whole turkey?" to "What kind of wood should I use?"—while offering delicious new ways to incorporate both fire and smoke into your everyday cooking.

This is the newest book from Aaron Franklin